Free 'Better Bedtimes' Workshop
Tue, 10 Aug
|Online event
From bedtime battles to getting better sleep - I will give you practical advice on how to help your child settle more easily, wake less often throughout the night and stay asleep longer in the mornings

Time & Location
10 Aug 2021, 19:30 – 20:30
Online event
About the Event
This free, online event is open to anyone struggling with their children's sleep. It will cover bedtime battles, night wakings and early rising, with practial tips you can begin to implement straight away.
As a mum of two ex-terrible sleepers, I know how it is to feel exhausted. Since training as a sleep consultant and working with families to help solved their sleep challenges I've come across the same problems over and over again.
This workshop will cover three of the most common issues - getting your child to sleep without a battle, tackling night wakings and pushing mornings later. It will be a whistle stop tour packed with tips and practical strategies you can implement straight away.
Free ticket
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